[Read] The Smudging And Blessings Book: Inspirational Rituals to Cleanse and Heal Complete

2020-09-14 5

Change your life using simple smudging rituals and ceremonies. For thousands of years, Native Americans have burned sacred plants in a bowl or on a stick to drive away negative energies and restore balance. Learn how to combine smudging with techniques from other ancient traditions to restore and heal you, from banishing stress to bringing your family closer together. Turn your home into a spiritual fortress whenever you feel the need--the last thing at night, for instance, or when you leave the house. The birth of a baby is a miraculous event, worthy of great celebration. Make a gentle blessing part of yours--it's a lovely way to welcome a new soul into the world. And if you want to sail through the day full of confidence, energy, and hope, start each morning with a simple cleansing. The natural power of smudging and blessing is available to everyone.

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